Geometric interpretations and reversed versions of Young's integral inequality

Geometric interpretations and reversed versions of Young's integral inequality


  • Feng Qİ*, Aying WAN


Young's integral inequality, geometric proof, geometric interpretation, generalization, refinement, reversed version


The authors retrospect Young's integral inequality and its geometric interpretation, recall a reversed version of Young's integral inequality, present a geometric interpretation of the reversed version of Young's integral inequality, and conclude a new reversed version of Young's integral inequality.

The authors retrospect Young's integral inequality and its geometric interpretation, recall a reversed version of Young's integral inequality, present a geometric interpretation of the reversed version of Young's integral inequality, and conclude a new reversed version of Young's integral inequality.             


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How to Cite

Geometric interpretations and reversed versions of Young’s integral inequality. (2021). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 5(1), 1-6.