On k -Generalized ψ -Hilfer Boundary Value Problems with Retardation and Anticipation

On k -Generalized ψ -Hilfer Boundary Value Problems with Retardation and Anticipation


  • Salim ABDELKRİM*, Mouffak BENCHOHRA, Jamal Eddine LAZREG, Johnny HENDERSON


ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative, k-generalized ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative, Cauchy-type problem, retarded arguments, advanced arguments, existence, uniqueness


In this paper, we prove some existence and uniqueness results for a class of boundary valued problems for implicit nonlinear k-generalized ψ-Hilfer fractional differential equations involving both retarded and advanced arguments. Further, examples are given to illustrate the viability of our results.


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How to Cite

On k -Generalized ψ -Hilfer Boundary Value Problems with Retardation and Anticipation. (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 6(2), 173-190. https://atnaea.org/index.php/journal/article/view/124