Applications of Several Minimum Principles

Applications of Several Minimum Principles


  • Sehie PARK


The 2023 Metatheorem, Brøndsted-Jachymski Principle, Zorn's Lemma, Caristi fixed point theorem, Ekeland variational principle, preorder, fixed point, stationary point, minimum principle


In our previous works, a Metatheorem in ordered fixed point theory showed that certain maximum principlescan be reformulated to various types of fixed point theorems for progressive maps and conversely. Therefore,there should be the dual principles related to minimality, anti-progressive maps, and others. In the presentarticle, we derive several minimum principles particular to Metatheorem and their applications. One ofsuch applications is the Brøndsted-Jachymski Principle. We show that known examples due to Zorn (1935),Kasahara (1976), Brézis-Browder (1976), Taskovi¢ (1989), Zhong (1997), Khamsi (2009), Cobzas (2011) andothers can be improved and strengthened by our new minimum principles.


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How to Cite

Applications of Several Minimum Principles. (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 7(1), 52-60.