Generalized Shehu Transform to Ψ -Hilfer-Prabhakar Fractional Derivative and its Regularized Version

Generalized Shehu Transform to Ψ -Hilfer-Prabhakar Fractional Derivative and its Regularized Version


  • Sachın MAGAR, Ahmed HAMOUD*, Amol KHANDAGALE, Kirtiwant GHADLE


Ψ-Prabhakar integral, Ψ-Hilfer-Prabhakar derivative, Ψ-Mittag-Leffler function, Ψ-Shehu transform


In this manuscript, athours interested on the generalized Shehu transform of Ψ-Riemann-Liouville, Ψ-Caputo, Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivatives. Moreover, Ψ-Prabhakar, Ψ-Hilfer-Prabhakar fractional derivatives and its regularized version presented in terms of the Ψ-Mittag-Leffler type function.
They are also utilised to solve several Cauchy type problems involving Ψ-Hilfer-Prabhakar fractional derivatives and their regularised form, such as the space-time fractional advection-dispersion equation and the generalized fractional free-electron laser (FEL) equation.


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How to Cite

Generalized Shehu Transform to Ψ -Hilfer-Prabhakar Fractional Derivative and its Regularized Version. (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 6(3), 364-379.