Ostrowski type inequalities via exponentially s -convexity on time scales

Ostrowski type inequalities via exponentially s -convexity on time scales


  • Svetlin GEORGİEV, Vahid DARVİSH*, Eze NWAEZE


Ostrowski inequality, Time scales, Hölder's inequality, Exponentially s-convexity


We introduce the concept of exponentially s-convexity in the second sense on a time scale interval. We prove among other things that if f:[a,b]→R is an exponentially s-convex function, then
where β is a positively regressive function. By considering special cases of our time scale, one can derive loads of interesting new inequalities. The results obtained herein are novel to best of our knowledge and they complement existing results in the literature.


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How to Cite

Ostrowski type inequalities via exponentially s -convexity on time scales. (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 6(4), 502-512. https://atnaea.org/index.php/journal/article/view/173