Coupled systems of subdifferential type with integral perturbation and fractional differential equations

Coupled systems of subdifferential type with integral perturbation and fractional differential equations


  • Aya BOUABSA, Soumia SAIDI*


Differential inclusion, subdifferential operator, integral perturbation, fixed point, fractional derivative


This paper is mainly devoted to study a class of first-order differential inclusions governed by time-dependent subdifferential operators involving an integral perturbation. Employing then the constructive method used there, we also handle the associated second-order differential inclusion.
Our final topic, accomplished in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, is to develop some variants related to coupled systems by such differential inclusions and fractional differential equations.


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How to Cite

Coupled systems of subdifferential type with integral perturbation and fractional differential equations . (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 7(1), 253-271.